Are There Religions That Don't Allow Gambling?

What Religions Cannot Gamble?

Religion plays a significant role around the world. With the increasing popularity of gambling, people are now wondering if it goes against their religious beliefs. A few religions aren't as open to the idea of gambling as others. Here's a look at what certain religions say about gambling and whether it's prohibited.


Christians believe that gambling is a sin. The Bible clearly states that God does not want people to gamble; if they do, it's sinful. Gambling is an activity that Christians should avoid at all costs because it can be very harmful to finances, relationships, health, and even eternity in heaven.

If you're a Christian struggling with a gambling addiction, you must seek help from a professional who can help you overcome this problem and get back on the right path. While there's no explicit mention of one having to refrain from gambling in the Bible, there are certain verses that one can relate to gambling and understand that it isn't encouraged.


Hinduism has a lot of different sub-groups, some forbid gambling, and others do not. The Jains do not permit gambling under any circumstances because it can lead people down a path of addiction and compulsion, eventually leading them away from a life centered around spiritual development.

The Sikhs do not permit gambling under any circumstances because it can lead people to addiction and compulsion, eventually leading them away from God. While some Hindus are required to refrain from gambling, others can indulge in the activity without affecting their religious beliefs.


Some Muslims believe that gambling is prohibited by Islam, while others think it can be done as long as it doesn't involve or encourage other types of sin.

Muslims must understand that many different types of gambling, including games like poker and slots, have been legalized in some countries. They're all classified as games of chance, which means they aren't considered allowed by the Muslim faith. 


Gambling is not allowed among Jews. According to Jewish law, gambling is prohibited because it involves using the money for another purpose other than its intended one. Gambling also involves losing money or items to win (or lose) more (winning is called "making gain" and is prohibited).

The prohibition against gambling applies to all games, including card and dice games. It also includes betting on sporting events like football or baseball. The prohibition is based on the idea that gambling is a form of idolatry and money can be used to satisfy an idolatrous desire for wealth.

There are some exceptions:

  • Gambling for charity is considered acceptable as long as it is done with skill and in a way that does not involve greed (for example, raffles)
  • Gambling for amusement or recreation (such as playing cards or dice) is also considered acceptable if done with skill and in a way that does not involve money won or lost.


To conclude, it is essential to understand your beliefs first. If you feel gambling is against your belief system, refrain from indulging in it even as a recreation. Remember that the inclination for gambling may run in the family, but we can be responsible enough if we control ourselves from taking to this vice.

Emma Crossick Contributor

Emma Crossick

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