10 Tips to Improve Chances of Winning Scratch Cards

10 Tips to Improve Your Chances of Winning Scratch Cards

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Want to gamble easily without having to use much of your bankroll? Then scratch cards might be what you are looking for. They open up an avenue for you to make quick cash and are simple to play since they require little to no experience. Scratch cards are reminiscent of Lottery where it’s a game of chance and luck. While you do not require much expertise in the field to win scratch cards, you can always have tips to improve your chances of winning scratch cards.

Whether you opt to play in a physical store or online at your convenience, CasinoTopsOnline.com is focused to greatly improve your chances of getting some bucks for yourself. While this is not a winning strategy, it is about improving your chances of getting the win.

Dive with us as we look at the 10 tips to improve your chances of winning scratch cards.

Cheap is Expensive

The scratch cards space has seen loads of them offered and currently, you can find scratch cards varying in prices, brands, designs, prizes, and so on. While we would not want you to break your bank by buying the most expensive ones in bulk, try as much as possible to find the best scratch cards. If you decide to get the costly ones, ensure you get those that fit your budget.

The cheap scratch cards are always enticing but there is a reason for their low monetary value. Their prize pools are lowly-set and if you want to have your chances for bigger prizes enhanced, then you need to opt for the quality ones. Remember, quality reigns supreme over quantity.

Another tip is to know the prize the scratch card offers. The top prize might be listed on the card itself (in many scratch cards). However, the top prize listed is not the only prize you can win. Other prizes are listed at the back with the odds of winning the same. Choose your suitable one with a good prize pool.

Have a Budget in Place

This might sound like the previous tip but it is different. Successful gamblers will tell you that sticking to your budget is one of the best hacks. With scratch cards being all about chance and luck, your win is not guaranteed. You need to have financial discipline so as not to spend and lose a lot of your money.

A good tip to achieve this will be to set a daily, weekly, or monthly budget and ensure that you don’t go way above that budget. It may seem tempting to keep buying a scratch card with the hope that the next will be the one to win but one golden advice you will get from us is never chase your losses. Always stop when you reach your budget limit.

Do an Online Background Check

With your budget in check, you might be in a puzzle of the right scratch card to buy. Remember, there are hundreds of them, and choosing the best one is not a walk in the park. Many scratch card stores have gone online especially in the US.

With that information, you can decide the best fit for you. For example, if 500 prizes of $100 are available and 400 gamblers have already won, chances of winning will be at the low and a great tip would be to check the next available game.

Have Your Preferred Game

This is in line with the previous tip where after researching on the best scratch card for you, settle on one game that you can play. We understand that many scratch cards are available and tempting but a tip is that while on one game, if you win, good for you but if you lose, the equation will have one less losing ticket, therefore, increasing your chances of winning in the long run.

Let’s put it in practical terms. If, for example, you settle on a game with 1000 tickets and you manage to get 200 of them, it means that chances of you landing on the top prize is 20%. However, if you settle on 4 games with 1000 tickets each and buy 50 tickets for each game, your chances of winning the top prize for each game will be 5%.

The moment you opt to be a ‘jack of all trades’ and spread your bankroll to different games is the moment your chances of losing will be on a high

Old is Gold

Another tip to improve your chances of winning scratch cards is keeping hold of your old tickets. Yes. This is not hoarding but yet another strategy. This will help a keen gambler to see where he/she might have gone wrong and try to correct that mistake on the next ticket.

Some stores will stop the sale of scratch cards the moment all the top prizes are won. This will be a good deal to a player with a losing ticket since it will offer a second chance to win. How you may ask? Smaller prizes that were not claimed will be set on a pool and with the unused tickets destroyed, another lottery will be held and this time, your ‘losing’ tickets will be the ones to be used.

In other cases, the scratch cards jackpots may lack a winner and the manufacturer requests those with losing tickets to submit them to pick the best loser. This actually happens. Imagine losing a whole jackpot since you shredded your losing ticket that might have been the winning one!

Go Back for Scanning Even After ‘Losing’

This, in a way, goes in line with the aforementioned tip. One of the major tips you should always remember as you play scratch cards is that the only way to confirm you have lost is when the tickets have been scanned.

The cards can be a bit confusing sometimes which might have you missing clear winning combinations details. Some cards might also have an error and it doesn’t hurt going back to the clerk to confirm. It’s better this way than having to overlook ‘winnings’.

Bring the ‘Slot’ Play with You

This is a subtle way but whatever it takes to win! You might have noticed that some gamblers hanging around the free slots machines until the dry period hits. The trick here is, as the ‘losing’ plays are being made, chances of hitting the prize on the machine are getting closer.

When it gets to the scratch cards, you can hang around the store for a while as you wait on fellow gamblers to lose on the scratch-offs. This will increase your winning chances since some losing tickets will be off the equation. You can also approach the store clerk to find out if some winning tickets have been bought recently.

Another tip here would be to buy consecutive tickets to increase your winning chances. Instead of going for one ten-dollar ticket, you can go for five two-dollar tickets.

The singleton method to win scratch cards

Scratch Cards Research

Does The Singleton Method ring a bell? This was a method discovered in 2003 by a Canadian geological statistician, Mohan Srivastava. The method decoded the randomness of some of the old lottery tickets he had. In his research, he noted that the tickets’ layouts and patterns would help in knowing if a ticket was a winning one or a losing one.

The cards manufacturers use a certain algorithm that ensures control of the tickets circulating. While it may sound ‘random’ the tickets are not really random. Keeping your old tickets and going through them would most likely point to a certain algorithm from a manufacturer. Some of the algorithms are not hard and it’s very easy to decode a winning ticket and a losing one just by looking at one.

Buy the Cards in Bulk

This is another strategy you can take to increase your chances of winning. The tactic sees a player get the tickets in bulk at the same time for one game as opposed to buying single tickets over time. A notion is that the chances of winning increase on your bulk tickets since the card manufacturers have placed wins anywhere on the cards.

It is very easy to get a win on your ten tickets than to get a win in one ticket that you purchase after some time. It is also important to remember to stick within your budget constraints.

Crucial Information Is on The Small Print

The small print on your ticket holds a lot of crucial information that may go a long way in increasing your chances of winning scratch cards. You will find information such as the odds of winning (for that card) and for newbies, this would be help get more details about the game.

Top Reasons to Play Scratch Cards

Having gone through the tips to improve your chances of winning scratch cards, here are quick reasons you should play scratch cards;

  • Scratch Cards are affordable.

  • Chances of winning big are high.

  • Can be played in a lottery store or online.

  • Scratch Cards are easy to play as they don’t mostly rely on ‘experience’.

  • Are available in many online casinos reviewed we have reviewed.


Here are some of the Scratch Cards-related questions that are frequently asked by players;

How to win on Scratch Cards?
Which scratch cards win the most?
What scratch cards are the best to buy?
What scratch cards are the best to buy?
Robin Storm - CasinoTopsOnline

Robin Storm

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