A Look At Canada's Most Haunted: Regina Casino

Ghosts and Gamblers: Casino Regina, the Most Haunted Casino in Canada

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Casino Regina is one of the most haunted places in Canada, where players and ghost hunters collide. Casino Regina is apparently a hot spot for ghosts, and while you spin the reels or play a hand or two, you may catch a glimpse of one of these ghosts. Casino Regina has a long history as one of Regina's most well-known historical sites.

Along with the casino, plenty of other sites in the area have been reported to be haunted. Still, with Halloween approaching and casinos in Canada getting ready for the spooky season with themed slots, seasonal tournaments and promotions, and Halloween casino bonuses, it's fitting to take a look at Casino Regina's hauntings. 

The Haunting History

Casino Regina has had a long history as a place for people. The building started in 1912 as a Union Train Station until 1990. The train station construction was completed the same year the deadly Regina Cyclone ripped through the city. 

Union Station in Regina became a hub for people as almost everybody visiting the city would arrive and depart from it, and all goods entered and left the same way. Regina was also the terminal for the fastest train in Western Canada, which could run to Moose Jaw in just 55 minutes. 

A substantial extension was added in 1921, and in 1927, it went under further expansion and added food services. Then, in 1931, the train station again expanded and renovated for a more straightforward Art Deco style with Tyndall stone. 

The station closed in 1990, and in 1991, it was declared an official heritage site. However, in 1994, Casino Regina was approved, and in 1996, it officially opened its doors after years of being empty. It is now once again a bustling hub of people. 

Eerie Encounters

There have been numerous reports of ghosts at Casino Regina's location since the 1930s, including an unknown woman photographed in an empty room. The woman can even now sometimes be seen in the upper levels of the casino. 

The train station also used to house a basement where railway prisoners were kept, with many tunnels of underground passageways. It is said that bootleggers haunt the tunnels, and the basement is haunted by a prisoner who died trying to escape trial. Other sightings at the casino include that of train station employees. 

So unlike other brick-and-mortar casinos that go all out with their Halloween decor and themed events, Casino Regina doesn't need to put in any effort to create a spooky ambiance. Since the opening of Casino Regina in 1996, there have been multiple reports by staff of strange things happening. Some staff have reported seeing ghosts that haunt the building; others say they can hear the eerie tones of voices. 

Other occurrences that have been reported are doors opening and closing by themselves, even though some of these doors require key cards. Some staff have also said things have just vanished, only to reappear in a new place. It is even said that these supernatural occurrences have been caught by surveillance footage.

The Ghostly Residents

While the ghosts that haunt the casino have not been identified, plenty of backstories exist to explain their existence. For instance, the prisoner who is said to haunt the basement died while trying to escape. But the question is, how did he die whilst escaping? What happened? And what about the bootleggers that have been spotted? Were they using the tunnels to transport illegal goods? Did the tunnels and passageways collapse, or were they caught?

There are also accounts of train station workers being around the casino, and perhaps they suffered misfortune during renovation works. However, the woman seen in the upper levels of the casino is one of the most intriguing stories. While no one knows who she was, she was captured in the 1930s in a photo of an apparently empty room. We could speculate the woman was a traveller who suffered an unfortunate event; perhaps she slipped and fell and unfortunately died, or maybe there was something more sinister that befell her.

Explore Casino Regina for a Spooky Adventure

If you want to combine your Halloween casino fun with that of the supernatural, there is no better place to play than at Casino Regina. Even though the casino is well aware of its ghostly hauntings, they do not offer any ghost tours.

However, if you are looking for a ghostly time, you can visit the casino, explore the lobbies and halls yourself, or find a company that offers ghost tours around Regina. After all, Casino Regina might be a haunted casino, but it is not the only haunted spot in the city, as plenty of ghoulish phantoms are around. 

But if you don’t fancy venturing out this Halloween, you can still play all the best Halloween-themed games, like Bloodsuckers and Halloween Jack, at our recommended online casinos. Unlike their brick-and-mortar counterparts, online operators also offer themed bonuses and promotions. Just make sure you take a look at our Halloween casino strategies before you begin to make the most out of the spooky season.


  1. PSICAN: "Casino Regina"

  2. The Regina: "Haunted Places: Casino Regina"

  3. SaskToday: "Here’s where to meet Regina’s most famous ghosts, if you dare"

  4. Casino Regina: "History"

Julia Attard - CasinoTopsOnline

Julia Attard

Senior Content Team Lead

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Julia has expertise in managing content and is enthusiastic about producing content for the gaming markets in English at CasinoTopsOnline. When she's not at work, you can find Julia enjoying a good book by the beach, watching sports, or baking something delicious in the kitchen!

Fact-checked by Valerie Lizotte

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